Welkom bij Meal-tip

Meal Tip in samenwerking met CM Payments

Welkom bij CM Payments

Als klant van Meal Tip ga je samenwerken om voedselverspilling te verminderen. Wij dragen daarbij zorg voor de online betalingen. Om alles aan te maken hebben wij de volgende gegevens van je nodig:

Welkom bij Meal Tip!

Meal Tip in samenwerking met CM Payments

Please provide us with some more info

Fields marked with a * are required

Contact person

Desired payment methods *

This is an official proof of registration of the company including information regarding the legal representatives. Please provide all information, not just the front page or a screenshot. The extract may not be older than 6 months. 

You can upload PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, DOC or DOCX files with a maximum file size of 5MB.

Upload a coloured copy of the ID(s) of the legal representative(s) legally authorized to sign the contract with CM.com on behalf of the company below.
Valid passport, EU identity card, EU driving licence, EU residence permit, EU alien document.
  • Front and back of document
  • Document in full colours
  • Clearly legible (check for sharpness and reflection of light)
  • All corners of the identification document must be visible on the photo/copy
    CM.com may only handle data that is actually important for our services.
    The following information on your proof of identity is not relevant to CM.com and may be masked:
    • Signature
    • Social Security Number
    • Gender

    You can upload PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, DOC or DOCX files with a maximum file size of 5MB.

    The bank statement must be clearly legible with the company name, bank name, iBAN (account number), date (max 6 months old) visible. Amounts may be masked.

    You can upload PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, DOC or DOCX files with a maximum file size of 5MB.

    This is an official proof of registration of the company including information regarding the legal representatives. Please provide all information, not just the front page or a screenshot. The extract may not be older than 6 months. 

    You can upload PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, DOC or DOCX files with a maximum file size of 5MB.

    CM.com is obliged to establish the identity of the UBO. An UBO is an ultimate beneficial owner.

    You can upload PNG, PDF, JPG, GIF, DOC or DOCX files with a maximum file size of 5MB.